

Friday, October 14, 2011


If my children are grown and they value and respect themselves and others I will feel accomplished. Respect of themselves and others means that they value people and are considerate of what the end result will look like for all. That does not mean that, they will be perfect. On the contrary, the more imperfect they are the better. How much more can someone who has flaws and is willing to share them for the good of others relate to them who need relating to, than someone who is as flawed, as we all are, and instead judges to try and make perfect. The point is; I want to raise my children with love, not judgement and condemnation, I believe that if a child and an adult for that matter always feels like they are enough they will strive to be better.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Early morning

Since about 3:40 this morning I have been rambling on and on with the Lord. You know those mornings where there is so much to say but none ever to specific. Yeah, that's me today. I know its the end of the week and am not really sure that I feel accomplished in all that should have been done which calls for a busy and productive day for my munchkins... glad they understand and really try hard to help out with the little guy.