

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Failure is not an option

When knowing what I want my children to grow up and be, I am not thinking doctors and lawyers and such. I am only thinking value. I believe every individual has value and when we show and tell our children these beliefs we have in them, these truths settle in deep. Some-days are very tough and that is based on my decisions alone. How do you encourage a child to be someone you are acting opposite of? You don't, I suppose that is what helps me be on my best behavior at times. It is what I expect from them. "Well, Angelina you know sometimes you will have to except that these things happen", I have been told on numerous occasions, or, "One of your children may go astray", referring to poor and even worse decisions we make growing up or even as adults. No, I am reminded even last night, failure is not an option. I do not have a plan B, (just in case one does go south and I have to rationalize it in my head so I can sleep at night or explain to my friends and family...) I pray for my children, and believe my prayers are honored. That last sentence in itself could be so much more lengthy. I believe in my children who they will become, the value they have for themselves and how that reflects on how they value all of those around them.