

Friday, April 13, 2012

Kindergarten Confidential

@ ABC Nightline and all viewer of tonight's airing ---Yes this is a good thing, educate and test your child's abilities! Yes at 4 years old, when would you like to start? No you are not stealing their childhood, all playtime should be constructive. Do not spend $1,000s that is, (in my humble opinion), ridiculous! ( I don't know that the exclamation works with humility... I'm not changing it. This is your munchkin take time in daily life to give him/her more common sense than you have and more knowledge than you got. YES they are absolutely worth it!

Rough blog I know, but had to get it out of my head before I let it go and said nothing. Thanks for reading. Please, please, please leave any comments you like.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Remain Calm

There are times to get excited and leave calm to the way side, its just not when you have yet to evaluate the situation and start instead to let your tongue fly. I have those experiences where I have done just that and for the most part I can catch myself in the middle of my rampage and correct the situation. First by acknowledging that I need to get it together in my head and take measure. Second to apologize to my munchkins, it is wrong to jump them for something that truly is my fault or responsibility.  When I say apologize I mean to actually tell them "Mom is wrong, I should not have yelled at you and used  my tongue foolishly. Yes, we are a team and we are supposed to work together, but I am responsible for the end result" Yes I actually say these words to my children. Why, because its important to respect them on that level for so many reasons.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Souriya skated her first practice in sometime just last night. The skates were enormous on her and she did not care. I asked if she wanted to sit out and we would get skates that did fit soon enough, she looked at me and said, " Mom, please let me skate". Ugh! Fine, so she did, wearing her shoes inside the even still big skates she did well. They had scrimmage practice last night with Castle Rock and she was a jammer a couple of times, how elated I was to see her go round all the derby girls once to be able to make points and around again to score five of them. Fine Souriya, you get out there and skate.