

Saturday, July 6, 2013

My Example

When struggling with the behavior of my children I look to myself, even when all is well I look to myself. A scolding with a word of discipline in thought or a pat on my back in obedience to the ways the Lord has directed me in raising His children. I can never be grateful enough for the covering God provides. It is a constant in our house to be reminded to; Do what is Good and Right and leave the rest to God. Yet, how often do we forget due to the flesh that we live in. The flesh that desires self-satisfaction at all times. How can I remember to always do what is Good and Right and leave the rest to God when I am so easily offended, when common sense is not so common and the irritation sets in when decisions are made that go against all we know is good. The only way I have found to win more than I lose and set them up for success is to stay constant in the His Word, my instructions for life, His ever merciful guidance. I can not fail my God or children if I am always **aware of our surroundings, know what I believe, am brave, am strong, and do all things in Love. (**My Paraphrase of 1Cor 16:13-14)