

Friday, September 30, 2011

One child

I have shared in my blog that my last son Lathan has been a trying experience for me in motherhood. I have also shared that it is not him at all, only my laziness to follow through. Anyhow as the situation still remains the same, with tweaks coming in quickly, I am grateful that there have been constants to my journey in being a Mama; my other four have been trained well to respect themselves and in turn others. Just recently, going through an ordeal that left me with an unsettling feeling, gave me real perspective on how I am going about training up Lathan and allowing my other munchkins to witness it. Souriya and I were separated. It was a large group and communication was not great. Long story short I now know what moms mean when they say "I have X number of children including my husband". One disobedient child can throw a mom in a wreck if she has no control over. Talk about wanting to pull your hair out. That evening alone was enough to give me a good picture of what I don't want to deal with regularly, but it has been little events that have occurred lately to drive me to get into the right gear.

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