

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Do not yell

I have agreed to do 10 push ups each time I yell. My son Luke was sharing this with my sister and she asked, "What does she do when you let her know she needs to do 10 push ups?" Luke answered her, "She just calms down and says she will get them done." I am glad of my 8 yr old's perspective. I am glad he feels comfortable holding me accountable to my word and believes I will follow through. I hope this is due to past experience with me. Yelling, I think used to be my regular volume when talking. My growth has come with each new child's birth. What I try to remember most when yelling is how out of control I feel. How many times I have been told, "You give the person, or situation that control over you when you yell, and how do you even hear yourself think." Do my children really offend me, absolutely not. If I get angry it is at my lack of consistency. And consistency is the secret to my children's success!

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