

Monday, July 30, 2012

Grandpa's exit

It was today that that my grandpa breathed his last. As far back as I can say I know my family tree personally, Grandpa goes at the top. I was glad that all his children were there in his last days, even Mom was able to get out there in time to have one more goodbye. Being with my aunts and uncle during this time of loss will be very hard and I hope good for the beginning days of healing. I love and take great joy in the value this man holds to our family. Many memories of Grandpa will be cherished always by his children, and his grandchildren, especially my brother Jason and our cousin Rustin.Those two had the privilege of growing up with Grandpa as "Dad" as well. Their hearts break tonight and I pray, -Lord comfort us who are still here on earth, may we remember the constant we saw him as and be that for one another. May his great grandchildren remember too what they know of him and love the stories they will hear for time to come.

Saturday, July 28, 2012


My oldest three munchkins have headed out to visit with family and my heart is the least heavy it has ever been during this space of time. I am actually excited about this visit. It could be because of a new addition or maybe because they are older. It could be because I am growing more mature in my relationship with God and understand that my kiddos are his before they are mine. Perhaps its having a confident peace in who my God says he Is.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tragic event in Colordao

When an event happens that needs explaining with cautious words to my children I dig deeper with God and pray for the right words to help them understand the situation, and the ugliness that has occurred. When hearing what experts are suggesting you tell your munchkins is well and good, (to reassure them that they are safe and their family is safe), it in my opinion does not give them a solid peace or real peace. That comes from the Prince of  Peace, Christ Jesus. I am their protector as mama bear, and it is my job to keep them safe as they understand well, however I am not the end all and be all. That position is God's alone. So for me its about helping them build an even stronger relationship with the Holy Spirit. This confidence in their Savior will allow them to endure all things.