

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Regular banter

I made comments that were taken in offense. Only, I was responding in banter. It seems an element was missing from a regular setting of friends. At the end of the evening it was asked of me "What's wrong?", in confusion, I answered that I was fine, but the truth is each time I was accused of being mean I was thinking to myself, "Is that a joke, or did I really say something to bother you?", this to someone who is more than fluid with their own bag of comical remarks. I became indifferent and closed off when it was said, "I'm really tired of you", I was taken back at this point and concluded that I did indeed offend a person very important to me and my family. I was a bit quite with the occasional wisecrack the remainder of the evening and tried to evaluate the situation to see where exactly the root of the problem was, but none of that matters at this point. What does matter is; from one friend to another, I am sorry.

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