

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Let go

Our most recent family vehicle was a gift, that was given with perfect timing. As of lately, it had been giving us a bit of trouble. It would decide to stop running or even start, and I would pray "Lord, I know I have come before and asked for favor, I'm here again asking for favor". The van would start. Sometimes right away, sometimes it would take a minute. Well, it came to be that I took it for granted. The engine died and we rolled to the side of the road. I tried to start it but truly for that moment we were stuck. So, Sarina hitched a ride home and came back with another vehicle. The idea was to take care of the van later that day and get the kids home to eat and out of the heat. As she pulled up I turned the key and...started the van. Sarina and I laughed, of course, why not. I made it back to where I needed to be, and while I drove, I talked with God. I let him know I was grateful for the gift at all and every time it had started or kept running. Then the war with myself began, at this point I excluded God from "our"conversation and began thinking about all "my" reasons this was really going to put a damper on me. So not really a conversation so much as whining. When I thought about how I sounded, I stopped, apologized, asked for forgiveness and let the Lord give me peace. "Its all good Angelina, whatever it is, it is. I have got this if you let me." was his response. So, I let go and let God.

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