

Monday, February 28, 2011

Well worth it

A good morning, a nice afternoon and then, off running errands and the van decides its done. I was so happy my husband was driving. Ladies I hope you understand where I am coming from. Anyway, what could have ruined our evening didn't. It took a conscience effort to follow through with our evenings plans and take our kids to see a movie, (Narnia). We have phenomenal best friends. It was because of them we were able to get home and enjoy family time. It makes all the difference in the world to our kiddos when we "Make it happen". The best part is two fold; it's a surprise, we don't tell them we're going just in case we don't, and a promise isn't broken, the best part.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mornings are important but evenings are too.

I am reminded this evening how important evening attitudes at bed time are. I know more than not, the attitude my munchkins go to bed with will be the attitude they wake up with. It is almost like holding a grudge, no it is. Not that they do or don't remember what they are mad or grumpy about, just that they are. I make it a priority to talk with each kiddo in a nonchalant manner and see what is going on it their head before bed. This allows me to mend what is broken. Sometimes it is a disagreement they have with me, dad, or a sibling, either way we talk it out and make it right. Singing to them is always a request too. I don't think that its my superb sound only that is mom's voice.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A New Schedule

Today has a to do list and it's Saturday. That is normally not the case, except today we must prepare for my husbands new job. We will be going shopping for groceries and then probably spending the day making easy meals to go for Dad. The kids love being a part of making things happen in the family. They are able to see their part, and how it makes a difference. "My Dad has lunch because I took some of my time and helped make that happen". Anything they participate in is never too small or not enough. Putting the ice pack, or lunch items in the cooler, wrapping the sandwich, no matter. They care that they had a part. Its always good to show how that one prep. was a big help. For ex. no ice pack, hot icky lunch. Any ideas? Thank you in advance for quick, not complicated cold meals for lunches on the go.

Friday, February 25, 2011

One on One

I am privileged to have an awesome, awesome, awesome relationship that has been built over time with a woman who appreciates me as much as I appreciate her. She is my best friend. She has taken the time to know each one of my children. She makes it important to spend one on one growth in their relationships. She knows that when they are all grown and have begun their own families, that who she is to them now will have a huge impact on who they will be later. They are all, minus one, with her now. Putting a scheduled time in her life for them is important to her. She is an example to me. We love you.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


6:30 and everyone is starting to rise. I am dressed and ready to assist where I am needed, mostly with my 14 month old. The children take care of their beds, dressing themselves, bathroom hygiene, and then their chore. Vacuuming, putting away dishes, trash, and cats are the regular chores that need to be taken care of before 9am. My guys all know its choice on what they do, so move fast not to get stuck with the one you don't want. Every morning everyday these are all taken care of. To me its teaching them to milk the cows. Like on a farm no matter what, they must milk the cows. This is there home, and in order to keep it running smoothly they must keep it up.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day Off

Its Presidents day and there is no school. I have work, and gratefully it it is right here in my home, but otherwise the day is ours to do what we like. We are having guests over today and will enjoy time here. Taking the time to have friends over is more than important to maintaining life long important relationships. I am glad to continue to build them. It shows my munchkins that one of the keys to a good friendship is initiative. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Casual Start

So, its Saturday. This day always is everyone's favorite. It is the most casual. Everyone mostly wakes up on their on own time. There is the occasional sleeper who would love to stay in bed way past 10 but it's rare. Today everyone is up except Levi, and that can't last long. He will be hungry. Each one of my munchkins finds me in the house tells me "Good morning Mama, did you sleep well?", sometimes they wait for an answer, sometimes they don't. They know there is still much to do on Saturday just the same as Monday.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Late Morning Start

I rolled over this morning when my husband woke up to go to work. Bad idea. That second sleep always gets me. I think just a few more minutes, and some people can pop up after just a few more minutes, not me. I woke up today at 7:45, OUCH! Of course catch up is always fun, because I seem to thrive on a little bit of chaos, for lack of a better word. So, this morning was a little messy. Move, move, move. Still here we are before 10:00 am finished all the chores and breakfast dishes are done, with school in motion. It helps tremendously that my kids understand that without their help we get stuck, and that sucks for us all. Errands to run in mid day and things looking to go my way.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Internal Clock

Today is a new day and I am so excited! I'm regularly a happy person, but today seems to be different. I wake up most everyday around 6:30. I am not always excited about the time that my body has me aware of my reality and no longer dreaming, but it seems to be OK because mostly I roll over and catch a few more Z's. It has not been the case lately. Lately it has been a joy to know I have a few minutes to catch up with me. It is the quiet time in the morning that can really put my day into perspective. What needs to be done, not just a mental checklist either, I really like to write down all I need to do, and physically CHECK it off. I have looked at past days in my calendar and I enjoy the sense of accomplishment when I look at a full day and see that most or even all has been DONE. So here's to my day, and all that I GET to do;

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

In The Morning

I awoke early. Thinking my husband was knocking at the door. When I had gotten myself to hallway I realized he was in the bathroom, banging toothbrushes against the sink, who knows, I didn't ask. I believed that getting up before the kids arise, before the sun started to shine, before the 7am hour, that I would have plenty of time to complete some task that needed attention and then dedicate me to them, the munchkins.
Is that ever the case?
It seems that as Mom's we are multitaskers yet I believe that it is because we are women. I just happen to be a Mom among other names. Needless too say I didn't get it all done, however there are days I really can say I did get it all checked off that daily list. Pause: needed to take a moment to sing a couple lines of the book Lance is reading for Literature. I thought today with all that needs to be done would be a great day to start blogging. lol