

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Clean up your mess

My children understand the importance of cleaning up after ourselves,the peace and self-respect that order brings. So when the Holy Spirit showed me how to use that great perspective in a recent lying situation I was in awe myself. Souriya and Lance had a dispute that I addressed where one of them had lied. I did not know yet who. So I explained to them the same way we clean our house, we need to clean our hearts. We should own up to our mistakes the same way we own up to our messes. You bring a toy out you put it away. You make a mistake you take responsibility and take it to the cross. Souriya had made the mistake. After sharing this revelation she was convicted, in tears she turned to her brother apologized for taking from him and lying about it. He wrapped his arms around her and they hugged... Forgiveness is good for both people.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just sayin'

When you are slacking it is really hard to tell your story, so humility must play a part. Summer is here and waking up is slow to happen in the mornings. We head to bed much later than regular and that calls for much later starts in the mornings, in turn leaves no time for my blog. I do hope to find a happy medium and continue through, however it looks like summer time blog posts may few and far between. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


At home and building tents with whatever is found, the children are like architects. Fail to try again at a new build, but Luke gives up. "Mama, I'm done, can I color on the window?" I told him sure, if that's what you want to do. Well the tent is complete and standing strong, you can go in and out without it falling down, and Luke is in awe. "Wow, guys!". He looks at me wanting to ask if he can change his mind. "Luke, this what we call reward, they kept going wanting the end result, they did what they said what they were going to do." Then Souriya shouts out " We have plenty of room Luke, come on". Play time resumed... until Lathan woke up!

Friday, June 3, 2011

This post sucks

This posting is difficult but helps me share how important it is to build your children up always and never, never, never break them down. My daughter writes well. She prefers to draw, but with her Literature and Language Arts courses, she writes. Her papers are well organized and fluid, but this particular topic was only brainstormed. "Most important person", she has a list. The first person on this list was Joshua, my ex-husband, her father. Then the list continues, 2. Daddy Oscar 3. Mom 4. Aunt Sarina 5. Uncle Steve. There were bubbles she needed to fill in to help develop this topic. She labeled them this way; Crazy, Hard on me for a good reason, and Loves me. Souriya used a scale for the topics of 1-10, 10 being the best. I stay away while she writes because I don't want to influence her thought process, so when she asked me for help, I explained as usual, that she should do the best she can, whatever she ends up with will be great, (aside from correcting grammar ect.) no matter what because it will be hers. She seemed to continue to work but after just a bit came to me and asked again, "Mom its just one question", "Ok", I replied, "ask me". At this point I had no idea what assignment she was working on because she had moved on without my knowing. When I reviewed what she had so far as notes I was shocked! Souriya listed her order as mentioned above with Joshua number one on her "Favorite People List",  but the question she had, made me hold back tears. She didn't know how much he loved her. This child is loved beyond measure, she has a Daddy she considers her Prince, and yet even tough the position is filled well, because her Father Joshua slacks in his department she seems to lack in her adequacy. I don't share this for any other reason but to give a real picture of how much our munchkins need to be reminded how awesome they are, what their potential is, and WHO they are! Sometimes because of my pride I find it hard to ask my children their forgiveness but because of hard reminders like this, I am reminded of how important my relationship is with them, and swallow it quick. I know our reward will be there when it is needed. The reward of that solid foundation to fall on; how much I love her and how much she knows it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Your money being held by the Government

There are the ones who help you find this money and then make you aware of it too. They ask for a small percent in return for getting you cash you would have otherwise written off, or never even known you had. There are some who ask for this percent not in writing, but instead your word.  There are those who have agreed to the finder’s fee with their word and never paid up. After my best friend’s husband became aware of his money and met up with the woman to pay her the fee,  she had shared her story; retired she wanted to make a little bit of extra income, ordered the program, and got to work. Mailed 800 letters with many responses and 60 people who followed through with the additional paperwork she sent to be filled out and filed. These 60 recipients enjoyed the refund of their money, but only two, are people of their word. This part is very sad. You better believe I shared this story with my children and let them know we are either honorable or not, we are either trustworthy or not, people of integrity or not, those who choose not to stand by their word will have it returned to them, it will be when they most need it and not understand why it is happening to them, huh, we reap what we sow. I pray for the hearts that received and did not give, that they remember and be softened.