

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Your money being held by the Government

There are the ones who help you find this money and then make you aware of it too. They ask for a small percent in return for getting you cash you would have otherwise written off, or never even known you had. There are some who ask for this percent not in writing, but instead your word.  There are those who have agreed to the finder’s fee with their word and never paid up. After my best friend’s husband became aware of his money and met up with the woman to pay her the fee,  she had shared her story; retired she wanted to make a little bit of extra income, ordered the program, and got to work. Mailed 800 letters with many responses and 60 people who followed through with the additional paperwork she sent to be filled out and filed. These 60 recipients enjoyed the refund of their money, but only two, are people of their word. This part is very sad. You better believe I shared this story with my children and let them know we are either honorable or not, we are either trustworthy or not, people of integrity or not, those who choose not to stand by their word will have it returned to them, it will be when they most need it and not understand why it is happening to them, huh, we reap what we sow. I pray for the hearts that received and did not give, that they remember and be softened.

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