

Friday, June 3, 2011

This post sucks

This posting is difficult but helps me share how important it is to build your children up always and never, never, never break them down. My daughter writes well. She prefers to draw, but with her Literature and Language Arts courses, she writes. Her papers are well organized and fluid, but this particular topic was only brainstormed. "Most important person", she has a list. The first person on this list was Joshua, my ex-husband, her father. Then the list continues, 2. Daddy Oscar 3. Mom 4. Aunt Sarina 5. Uncle Steve. There were bubbles she needed to fill in to help develop this topic. She labeled them this way; Crazy, Hard on me for a good reason, and Loves me. Souriya used a scale for the topics of 1-10, 10 being the best. I stay away while she writes because I don't want to influence her thought process, so when she asked me for help, I explained as usual, that she should do the best she can, whatever she ends up with will be great, (aside from correcting grammar ect.) no matter what because it will be hers. She seemed to continue to work but after just a bit came to me and asked again, "Mom its just one question", "Ok", I replied, "ask me". At this point I had no idea what assignment she was working on because she had moved on without my knowing. When I reviewed what she had so far as notes I was shocked! Souriya listed her order as mentioned above with Joshua number one on her "Favorite People List",  but the question she had, made me hold back tears. She didn't know how much he loved her. This child is loved beyond measure, she has a Daddy she considers her Prince, and yet even tough the position is filled well, because her Father Joshua slacks in his department she seems to lack in her adequacy. I don't share this for any other reason but to give a real picture of how much our munchkins need to be reminded how awesome they are, what their potential is, and WHO they are! Sometimes because of my pride I find it hard to ask my children their forgiveness but because of hard reminders like this, I am reminded of how important my relationship is with them, and swallow it quick. I know our reward will be there when it is needed. The reward of that solid foundation to fall on; how much I love her and how much she knows it!

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