

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Clean up your mess

My children understand the importance of cleaning up after ourselves,the peace and self-respect that order brings. So when the Holy Spirit showed me how to use that great perspective in a recent lying situation I was in awe myself. Souriya and Lance had a dispute that I addressed where one of them had lied. I did not know yet who. So I explained to them the same way we clean our house, we need to clean our hearts. We should own up to our mistakes the same way we own up to our messes. You bring a toy out you put it away. You make a mistake you take responsibility and take it to the cross. Souriya had made the mistake. After sharing this revelation she was convicted, in tears she turned to her brother apologized for taking from him and lying about it. He wrapped his arms around her and they hugged... Forgiveness is good for both people.

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