

Friday, December 2, 2011


It is not wrong in my book to allow my son to stay here in Colorado instead of going with Joshua out of state, (I think...). Luke made a request and I honored it. We live in a fallen world and I understand that I goofed up in marrying someone I would end up separated from before Luke was even a year, however it is what it is. There is no time travel and that would be even messier anyway. Luke does not have the same understanding of who Joshua is that Souriya and Lance do. The distance and idea of him going somewhere he has no developed connection to is what I believe bothers him most. Souriya has tried to no ends to help him get over his fear of traveling somewhere he is not comfortable, this includes multiple calls throughout the day to Mom, all the fun things they will do, family he will see, and the presents too. Souriya has even tried to move him along with setting up Skype "the same way we talk with Uncle Jason, Luke". The truth is, I do question my decision, maybe I should make him go and get to know his other side.

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