

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Partner up

Everywhere we go my children partner up. Its imperative. While at one of our Colorado events I was able to give my children a real life example of what can happen when we are not accountable to one another. A mother with tears rolling down her face was standing with an officer and my heart went out. After saying a quick prayer I showed my munchkins the woman and explained to them what she was asking the officer to help her with. She had lost one of her little guys. This a real situation that could happen to anyone, I explained. Right now a child is lost, he might be having a blast and not realize he has been separated yet, he might be scared, or confused, or some idiot may have decided he wanted him for himself, the point is the mother is a wreck and she no doubt feels at fault. It is an awful feeling every mother feels when something they know they are responsible for goes wrong. So I share all of this with my munchkins because it is that important for them to know the real consequences on both sides when we are not accountable.

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