

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stay on the right

We enjoyed Territory Days this year on the last day, an event that takes up a few blocks with lots of vendors, (visual) and thank goodness we did. To me it's like driving, stay on the right side to travel in whatever direction you are heading, it helps tremendously for all who are taking the same road. When trying to explain to my children that it's not very considerate to fight traffic or hold it up by standing in the middle of it, in turn, opposing rightful commonsense, I almost felt like I was judging these people and I guess I was. Without being terribly rude, maybe they are unaware... or just don't care about the inconvenience of others, either way it is situations like these that I try with a sincere heart to make my children conscience of, it allows them to make the better choice and see the benefit to all. 

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