

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The 12 pack factor

A favorite person of mine dubbed the phrase "the 12 pack factor" due to a different view point than another. When in business for yourself but with others you rely on people in your field. To show his appreciation, once a month he would grab a case and take it to a business that he worked with on a regular basis. This is something he and his employees would split the cost on. One day one of his employees decided to voice how he did not believe he should share in the cost of the case, for one he did not drink the beer and another, its like paying them, he didn't think it was fair. Well without too much to say in response, our employer in this case no longer included him in the cost, he also no longer valued this employee. The employee did not understand the importance of "the 12 pack factor". What the employee neglected to realize is that is was not payment for anything it was appreciation for everything they provided. Our employer was grateful for the relationship.  I find joy in letting people know I appreciate them but now a bigger grin will cross my face when I think of "the 12 pack factor".

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