

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


My son Luke believes he will be able to do whatever he wants when he grows up with no consequence. What I have explained to him is, that every action has it's effects. I live an open life to show my children real life consequence; discipline or reward, this allows me to give them examples of our family's choices and the results of them. When we choose good over bad our hearts are joyful not anxious and in fear. I believe I have showed Luke right from wrong time over that if I should slack and miss an opportunity to train, he knows well enough when his heart is bothered because of a poor decision. My munchkins know  to always pray when their hearts are heavy, ask forgiveness, give it to God and move on. I hope after discussing this with him now and as an ongoing conversation throughout his life, he grows into a mature and awesome adult, who understands that all his choices will have consequence.

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