

Monday, May 9, 2011

Action and Consenquense

I asked my son Lance to bring me the Laundry from his room, and he brought me as much as his hands could carry and then got distracted. He also figured that his brothers would be bringing me laundry too so he had no intention of getting back on task. When I noticed that there was much more laundry than he had brought to me I called him to discuss what had happened.He explained that he was distracted and so on. I explained to him, that had I not followed through and found that he had more laundry he would have gone the entire week without this or that for clothing. I want him to feel the real consequences of his action in the safety of home rather than for the first time in the outside world. We talked about how he would wear the same clothes for the next 7 days and why. Not because it was punishment, but because this is what would have happened on his own. Of course it is the hope that it wont happen later because he will really know by remembering what this was like. I want him to have a real sense of his action and their consequence. It gives a child the ability to begin to take responsibility for whatever choices they make, now and later.

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