

Friday, May 6, 2011

Done deal

A girlfriend of mine gave me a call yesterday and we talked about a situation she was dealing with concerning her daughter. She let  me know how I might handle the situation aside from tanning their hide. I am not one for time out, in any way. One of the reasons for this is because when an issue arises, I want to deal with it and move on. If we used time outs both the child and I are stuck for whatever time that "time out" lasts. If you leave the child to themselves during this time, whats the purpose? Real question, have any answers let me know. I prefer to handle it all together right then. There are times where I am not allotted the proper time, but my children know that we will take care of it. Meanwhile, we briefly discuss whatever the issue is and live out life, all is well. One of the worst feelings in my opinion beside confusion, is not know if Mom is mad at you or not. My children behave very different if I lead on at all that I am still upset at them. So, however you decide to handle any situation, just make sure its a done deal. I believe one of my biggest mistakes as a Mom is to forget to love on my child after any incident, large or small.   

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