

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wake up!

Lance and I have just finished a conversation and it is 11:52pm. It started with him standing in our doorway asking me how to say a word. I listened in silence waiting to understand why he was concerned with the pronunciation  of a word three and a half hours after he had laid down. My husband nudged me and said "Angelina he's sleeping." Oh you have got to be kidding me right? Nope, he continued and I found that in his mind as he continued to speak that he in fact had not gone to sleep yet, he was working on his Science assignment; Life in the Tundra. I walked him through his evening and brought him up to speed. I woke him up! Amazing, I'm telling you, we never have a dull moment, us mothers. Well here's to, working nine to five, not!

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