

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wishy washy

My daughter had a girlfriend stay over and I was privileged to listen to a conversation that went on between them. It seemed that her friend was having some trouble with a student at school. She shared the situation with Souriya and Souriya replied, "You must be strong and not let other people's words bother you, if she says she is your friend, than tell her she has to be a good friend, not a wishy washy one, because those are not real friends, those are people who make you feel uncomfortable, stay away from her, don't let her get to be around you. I wish I could give you verbatim, but Wow, right? I hope that her view on friends has come from the relationships and conversations she witnesses with me, but if it is elsewhere, my sincere, "thank-you" goes out to whoever! I applauded her courage after her time spent was over, and reminded her that some people would not have been brave enough to say such encouraging words, and always remember herself to stay strong and take inventory of her circle of influence regularly.

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