

Friday, May 13, 2011


Whenever we come home or leave the house there are certain things that happen without say so. For example; the kiddos know that as they walk in the door they remove their shoes, pick them up and walk to their rooms to put them away, as well as hang up their jackets and put away their beanies. Yet, there are times where a child is distracted and the beanie is nowhere to be found. It does not happen often, at least not for them all. Luke does not seem to grasp the idea of ever knowing where his beanie among other items is so, I have decided to have him wear it all the time. Yes, all the time, minus a shower he has it on all day and night. It is my hope that he will miss it when I do allow him to remove it, or at least know where it is. Its an issue even for us as adults; where are my keys, did I leave my wallet here or there, so on and so forth. My desire here is that Luke is aware of his surroundings, be it his location or where something he has is.

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