

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Shout Out

We had a whole days hard work yesterday and those always feel good! It started with something that I had told my kids a while back. I normally don't say anything about anything that we might do or a place we  might go because it bothers me that they wait for one thing and then it doesn't happen. Now, I am not saying our days are not fast pacing and always changing, just not with "yes" we will do this today. I thought that letting them know that I would have a fort of some kind before a specific date would help me move along with getting it accomplished. Well things happen, like your husband might burn all the wood with a buddy cause they had no purpose for it anymore, it might. Anyway, I have a neighbor who just happen to be trying to move some wood from her yard, as well as trash and metal. We made a day of it! About two hours of sorting the pile up, the rest, moving it here and there. My son Lance was a great help, he stuck with me all day, Souriya, gave up a lot of play time to take care of Lathan, Luke and Levi got their hands dirty after having a bit of fun with my neighbors kids and Zoe. My adult help, Zack, Sarina, Julie, and Ken! I loved how well yesterday played out and a real tired you get after completing a good sized task. Thank-you so much!

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