

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A good authority for a childs good future

I receive obedience from my children because I am their authority. When I give a command I expect a response that suits the command. When it is less than what I anticipated, we asses the issue take care of it, and move forward. I love that we can move forward without icky attitudes. In our home it is important to me to help all of my children know that with the attitude they choose to behave with, they effect their atmosphere. I want them to know that they have the power to lighten a load, make a day joyful, help someone else see the silver lining, but only if they see if first. I can only teach them this if I can show them first hand results, a life they live. So showing them that a fight against good authority just to have their way only brings them down, and holds up life. They must choose to have a joyful heart and do all things without whining or complaining.

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