

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thank you God!

It is very important that my children know where there strength comes from, the real stuff that they can keep calling on and doesn't end. God! I always teach them to talk with him early on, like, from birth. I want them to know that he is Real, Good, and looking out for them. Some might call it your conscience, I call him the Holy Spirit. I was finishing up dishes today while Levi, my 3 year old, was trying to perfect his penmanship with numbers. He was trying hard to make that 3 look good, and kept asking me to help him. I would stop dishes and come his way to help. After a back and forth from dishes to him more than a few times I asked God if I could get these dishes done, no more than a minute later Levi belts out " Thank you, God!".  "Mom, I asked God to help me and he did, so now you don't have to he finishes my way. An answer to both of our prayers. Dishes done.

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