

Saturday, April 23, 2011

HIGH low

There is a game we play here in our home called, HIGH low. We play this game to get a feel of how the kids' day went. It teaches them etiquette at the table. My munchkins see how important they feel when all eyes are on them, its not just Mama says to listen, they see themselves how treating others the way you want to be treated works. The way we play is to go around the dinner table and allow each munchkin to share with us their high experience in the day and their low experience. Some days are real simple, and the dinner table stays quiet. Some days are stories from the heart, there might be a confession, or an apology to someone, yep including Mom and Dad. During these stories we might see how grateful our little guys are for something we didn't realize they even noticed. HIGH low was a game we picked up from a movie, and has been a blessing in disguise.  

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