

Monday, April 25, 2011


Luke 24:1
Jesus, came to destroy death!
After Jesus rose from the dead, he had many conversations with his disciples. Read them, they are for us, the people of the resurrection. I am a woman of the resurrection. Breath in and out the conversations of new life given to you, the Holy Spirit. I no longer live but Christ lives in me.
What begins in the Spirit, can end in the flesh. This is because somewhere along the way I have lost my awe of him. I don't want to allow the passion to die, I never want to forget there is always more of Him. I want to know Christ, the power of the resurrection, and fellowship in his sufferings. when Paul caught that; all of me, for all of you, it was on!
Romans 8:10-11
You die, his spirit then gives life to your mortal body.
Breath in and out. Take in the Spirit. Breath Him out into the world, salt and light.
No power of man, no scheme of hell can stop the power of Christ, death is destroyed!
If we will just get our hands in the dirt, we can make a difference here in Colorado Springs in 2011. The power of Christ lives in us, we are people of the resurrection.
There is a hole in each of us that only Christ can fill, we were created by him to need him.

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