

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Simple, but great!

I really really appreciate my great days. Today we were up and moving around 6:45, that was a little later than I should of. We ran a few errands early and then met Sarina for breakfast. Had a girlfriend say hello as she was passing through town, (beep, beep), and went shopping. My kids love grocery shopping. They look forward to heading to Costco, where if no one is in the isle with us, they run to gather speed and slide to the end, and Wholefoods, where they love all the treats that are available throughout the store. They help unload it all from the car to the house and then put it all away, including Lathan, he likes to collect all the bags. Filled in the rest of the day with school work, WII and outside playtime, as well as help and time from my big brothers, Oh and not to forget... Survivor! Lathan fell asleep very early today and so when bed time came for the others, my request to respect Lathan sleeping made for silence. It was like they were already in bed while they brushed their teeth, washed up and put their PJ's on. Simple, I know, but it makes for a really great day!

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