

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My children and I have had a rough day. Staying on task can be trying when you have 5 different personalities and you try to accommodate each one. When I find myself looking to be my babies friend and parent, I find myself falling off track, away from my responsibilities. I know that our future and their success will allow the friendship to blossom because of the parent I am in the present. I do let this fact fall to the way side occasionally for lots of reasons, one is because of the fun we have when we let loose. Who doesn't like to laugh a little longer with their child, but the truth is I need to remember who I am to them. I want them to know that I am the one who sets the safety zone, I show them what is right and wrong, I hold them accountable to their actions, I expect nothing less than the best. The friendship that we will have because of the life I set them up for will fall into place... I only need be reminded sometimes.

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