

Monday, April 11, 2011

Off Limits

Now that Lathan is walking and taking a regular tour of his home. I am taken back to the very days that we needed to train Souriya, in areas she was allowed to be in. This began in our home of course where the kitchen and the bathroom were off limits. Even at the skating rink Bosanova, we needed to make sure she didn't travel out the front door or into the snack bar area. Ten years today, I am training Lathan not to go down the hallway, onto the entry way tile, pass the kitchen into the laundry room, or outside without a hand. I simply pop his thigh when he crosses a boundary, tell him no and send him in the right direction. It always is so amazing to see their minds start to work when they hit that borderline and ask themselves, "Is it worth it?" Well the truth is yes, for a few times it is. Honestly they look forward to seeing you be consistent. Are you really watching me, Mom? I like our rule, " One toy at a time". If I let Lathan take that regular tour, the kids remind me about our house rule. They are referring to all of the toys throughout the house that Lathan drops off after he is bored with them. Showing him areas he is off limits too helps me respect my children and follow through on the rules that have been set. Lathan has his allotted toys in the living room where I can see him, and he is expected to respect the rule too by staying in the area allowed and playing happily.

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