

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pull Over

Take care of all sour situations as they occur & you will have less of them. Luke and Levi are sometimes easily frustrated. When a situation arises that becomes whining and complaining that I address, next time isn't square one, it's just a reminder of the last situation & how it played out.
A light bulb goes on.
With a smile the words, "Oh, yeah" come out of their mouth.
For example, we were driving home and Levi wanted to take off his jacket, he was having trouble, he began to get upset. I could hear his fit, and immediately pulled over right out of traffic. Turned around and explained to him that he would never get his jacket off with that attitude. I also explained to him why; his energy was being consumed by anger. So for the next 5 minutes we stayed parked in a lot, calmed down & gained our self-control. He figured out how to take off his jacket. His attitude went from awful to fantastic, partially because I gave him the command to make the choice and change it,  the other part because HE witnessed for himself that calming down and using his energy to remove his jacket was much better than being angry and getting nowhere. Next time he gets frustrated, be it putting his laundry away, trying to fit all the books on the shelf, or whatever, I will remind him of his jacket and I already know what response to expect. It's Wonderful!

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