

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Be a Farmer

1. Prepare or break the soil
Soften your heart to the Lord for great things to be done in and around you.

2. Sow the seed
Read the Word, know who He is.

3. Water the seed
Like you eat to feed your body regularly, read, talk about,and write down to continue your growth with the Word.

4. Pull the weeds
When anything that will take away from given time to priorities starts to become "the priority" it needs to be squashed or pulled out. I have found that listening to the Holy Spirit here is best, really. Meaning when I debate the Holy Spirit, I find myself justifying unacceptable activity.

5. Wait
Patience is a gift from the Holy Spirit. Do what needs to be done in order to receive the rewards and let what happens beyond the visible eye take place; while you wait. Don't time God you'll get bored, or be unprepared, either way its better to just go on about your business and let Him take care of His part, the part you trust and believe Him for.

6. Reap the harvest
Enjoy and remember this part regularly, it has helped me when I get discouraged, reminds me that He is always there and brings Him glory!

*Posting inspiration thanks to Service this morning.

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