

Friday, March 25, 2011

The story of stuff

I was checking out a bit of you tube last night found a great "BIG PICTURE" video.

Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM&feature=featured

The reason it was important to me to post this on my blog was because we are raising the next generation for either poverty or prosperity. Those terms don't need to be attached to tangible items only. I need to consider what I'm leaving for my children's children. It needs to be a conscience decision not to make poor decisions that will effect our future generation. This video helped me see the big picture and be able to show my children too. I had them write down their thoughts after watching the video to see how they processed it. My four year old drew a picture of mountains being blown up, he explained to me that "they make aliens from that stuff they take from the mountains and it makes muscle ones that go into the sky.". You will need to watch the video to understand his four year old statement.

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