

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


In order to train my little guy to use the restroom, there must be rules with the bottle.
1) The bottle is allowed when laying down and that is it.
2) It must be thrown away by his hands.
Eighteen months old and Lathan should no longer need diapers. I have not had any of my children in diapers past this point so there is no need to have Lathan either. It could be an easy transition, or not, either way I am ready to make this happen. The more Lathan's schedule is set the easier it will be for both of us.
I know when he wakes up he would usually have a bottle before getting out of bed with his diaper change,(6-7am). Transition; he will only have breakfast with us all at the table.
For his nap times I will make sure that he is tired. We will play and learn. With my purpose filled efforts of exercising his energy he will lie down with little fuss and put himself to sleep, without a bottle.
For bedtime time he will have a 4oz bottle and that will last a a few days before he will throw the bottle away. He is very familiar with the trash. He throws away many things throughout the day and even without needing to be told, which shows me that he understands. After the bottle hits the white pail, the diapers are a lot easier to take on.

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