

Friday, March 18, 2011

Daily Inspiration and Accountability

We have lots of inspiration everyday. The way my children behave is inspiration to me, but where are they inspired? We read Proverbs in the morning, as a Mary Kay Consultant I listen to two hot-lines with women who have achieved much and share how they got to where they are, including lessons from failing, we receive e-mails that we all read with encouraging words, and we are accountable to those we admire, and we admire one another. Accountability is so important to me for inspiration, because I know someone has taken the time to look after my best. I teach my children to think about how they are addressing their siblings when they are helping them make the right decision,  I remind them to think about how the Holy Spirit speaks to them. He speaks with respectful and soft words, not with hard, controlling, and mean ones. I explain that in the end it will be there choice to make the wrong or right decision, and that will create their character. We discuss character all the time in this house, it allows me to easily address a poor decision and ask my kiddo, "Did this improve your character?". When we are inspired we tend to move away from the poor decisions, because we have seen and heard better outcomes with better choices. When we are held accountable it improves our character and gives us cause to be inspiration to others.

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