

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last night I slept right next to Lathan. He was so defiant yesterday that when I would sign "more" or "food" he would remove my hand from my mouth or separate my fingers, then turn his head and yell at me. This action receives discipline in the form of a pop. We sat together for hours on the kitchen floor and Oscar was in company encouraging Lathan. Lathan gave in, he signed "more" and ate dinner, but was adamant about holding out on "drink" and "water", so he went without. Every night he says goodnight to his siblings and his father, not last night. He was absolute. So without his warm milk before bed he and I fell asleep. This morning came and amazingly he still would not say, "milk, eat, or drink". Anytime that I would suggest it, he would smile, walk away, and play with his toys on the floor. Babies are amazing, amazing, amazing! My son knew exactly what game he was playing at. He went without all morning and gave no argument about it. Lunch came and he gave in again, "eat" he signed, "more" came right after his mouth was empty. Hurray! Yet, it has not been consistent, later when he wanted water he went right back to refusing to ask. Like I said, its a work in progress, and well worth it. I have a strong willed child, if its worth it to me to raise a great man, it will show in his character. It will show that I took the time, sacrificed what others might find silly to give up and make my children the priority, otherwise, I believe, I will fail him.


  1. Good for you being more strong-willed than him! We went through this exact stage with Mayli, there was about 2 weeks that she refused to use her signing to ask for things. I felt horrible because I felt like she barely ate or drank for those two weeks, and you are right, some may find this a silly thing to argue about. I believe in the long run you are teaching them that their actions have rewards or consequences, and the things they want don't appear from the wrong decision! And then one day she woke up and decided if she wanted those things it's easier to just ask correctly and receive them, and after that 2 week battle of the wills she has given in to the right decision much quicker in all future issues because she knows being stubborn will accomplish nothing. Keep it up, you know you are stronger in mind than a 14 month old and you know what is best for him! :)

  2. Julie I have read this comment over the past week and am thankful to you for the encouragement!
