

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wanting God to be tangible

I fly away from Colorado this morning and upon landing I call home. My news of a safe landing doesn't compare with the news my husband has for me. My middle child has cracked open his head, due to a stunt he pulled off at the pool. I naturally want to go home. Not because he won't be ok, but because I am his mom. Anyway, a ride in an ambulance and 7 stitches later, I am not back in Colorado. My husband and best friend's husband took great care of the situation, and all is well on the home front. With that said, this was one of the times where I love that I know, know, know God is with me always. Sometimes you need his presence so much more than you think. I tell my children He is there at all times, and sometimes, so much so that its like He is tangible. I love you Lord and Thank you for bringing me closer to you. Your daughter.

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