

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grooming your children

I love, love, love books that help me improve as a Mom, I found one last night. I was so excited to see the same ideas that I apply to our family page after page. I really was torn to put it down and sleep. If you have watched any new shows lately you may have caught on ABC TV's Secret Millionaire. She was one of the secret millionaires on the show. I was really intrigued with her story even as vague as the information was; homeless at 21 to being a millionaire at 23. We don't watch TV much and happen to catch this one in California with the girls. I was intrigued with her character. One of her books is called Grooming the next generation for success. Last night I was a Wal-mart picking up traditional birthday balloons for Luke and while waiting walked through the Book section. I saw on the shelf this title and began to read, Oh my goodness! 

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