

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Lathan is not happy this morning. He wants to see what he can get away with. We work on ASL here in the house. He knows and uses his words regularly in sign. This morning he wants more and the way he is asking for that is by pushing me quiet literally in the direction that he wants me, in the kitchen to the counter where his food is. He would normally ask by putting his fingers together and applying them to his mouth. Nope not today. I have even reminded him of how we ask. "Nope" is his hand gesture by yanking his hands out of mine. The battle has begun. I will edit this post as decisions are made and there is a final out come... He cried and screamed, but no action with the hands. This went on for 3 hours, mind you he would show proof that he knew exactly what I wanted him to say and then would stop and scream at me when I showed him I was excited for good behavior. With his half hearted hand gesture I gave in, bad idea, really it is. I sat him down in his chair at his table and  put his bowl in front of him and he gladly filled his cheeks. However later at lunch he did sign no problem with Aunt Rina at Il Vicino, but trying to have him same more was just as difficult as this morning. A work in progress.


  1. Any good mama knows she will be more stubborn than the child when it comes to teaching them a better decision! If he's that hungry, he'll have to give in :)

  2. Julie you are so right! I did give in tough. Some would say that I didn't because he "sorda" said it, but I know better. I think the bigger problem is what I have set myself up for next time. If only we lived in a perfect world. Thanks for the conviction, I will need it for the next time this Good Mama goes up against Lathan Andrew.
