

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


When in the middle of my crazy day yesterday I was waiting for Souriya to finish one of her CSAP tests. Standing in the lobby area I was thinking "Come on, Souriya, lets go". I was prompted immediately with another thought "Really Angelina, she is in there taking a test to asses where she is in her schooling and your day is more important". I needed a new perspective. I sat at the top of the staris and began to pray. I prayed for forgiveness for me and my selfishness, then on to Souriya's clarity in all she was reading and taking in. I prayed that she would receive a clear understanding in how to evaluate the problem and come up with a solution that would prove correct. I was distracted with all I needed to do yesterday but made a conscience effort to remember who was more important at the moment, not me.

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