

Friday, March 11, 2011

For better or worse

Being in my second marriage now, I can really appreciate the statement "for better or worse" and commitment. There have been really bad days in my marriage and combating them with the reality of "for better or worse" really makes a difference on how I react or behave in situations. The decision to be committed helps me have a lot more self control than I would if "pack up and hit the road" was an option. This is of course a deep conversation that I am posting so little for, but ultimately its a decision in the end.


  1. I agree 100%! Unconditional love is a wonderful thing, but it also means a lot of self-control. Knowing that nobody is going to leave when times get tough means different decisions on how to handle a problem. After all, if you're going to spend the rest of your life with that person, why waste the time you have together being angry instead of finding ways solve the problem quickly so you can continue enjoying your life together!

  2. Julie, nail on the head. Thanks for the comment.
