

Friday, March 4, 2011

What we'll remember

My children are exceptional. I know that it is due to their surroundings. Who they hear and watch, what they see come of those actions, and all the questions they ask that they get real answers for. Yesterday, after my best friend's husband dedicated his afternoon to four of my children while my husband sat with Luke getting stitches, they were on their way to eat. The children let Luke choose. They spent the day at Dave and Busters in Denver. His Uncle said, "I dont think he'll even remember smacking his head, he'll remember, that day we went to D&B". My children saw thier Uncle give freely of his time with joy, they watched their Dad be their pillar in the fear they were in, observed all of the staff, from the ambulance to hospital show respect and take care of the patient, Luke. They admire the behavior that brings order with true peace, free will to make the right choice because they want to. It is my joy to see them choose to be exceptional. A great way to remember the day, tough I do hope the scar reminds him to be a tad more cautious.

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