

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Appreciation

Yesterday was Luke's Birthday. We do not get crazy when celebrating birthdays except every once and a while. Levi's Birthday will be tomorrow. Balloons are tradition, they wake up to balloons hovering over them and all over there bed, sometimes even on the floor. It's my hope that it will be something they cherish as adults. One of those simple, inexpensive, yet time consuming, exhausting, and so worth it treats. But as for a party we will probably have a shared cake with friends and family to enjoy a day this weekend. Souriya finished her CSAPs yesterday, and they receive a little something for giving a great effort and being there, she chose something for Luke, to give him as a gift. Today is St. Paddy's day and green is worn to avoid being pinched, my children all wore green yesterday for Luke, because they wanted to honor him on his special day. A choice they got together and decided. I love my kid's character. I try very hard to make sure we keep it cool on birthdays because I never want it to become something they expect. I want them to appreciate everything that happens for them or given to them on that day, or any day for that matter.  

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